ViveVita Everyday Elegance Dining Chair Cover, Simply Linen, 2-Pack

Everyday Elegance Chair Covers are easy-on and easy-off, waterproof and machine washable. They are designed to look and feel great. Everyday Elegance Chair Covers are a perfect way to redecorate your kitchen or dining room with a fresh new look, easily and inexpensively. If you have children or pets, or even just use your chairs regularly, you know how quickly and easily chairs can get stains and marks and start to show wear. Everyday Elegance chair covers beautifully spruce up your chairs while protecting them from spills, animal hair and general wear and tear. And if you have a spill they are waterproof. Simply take the cover off, pop it in the laundry and pop it back on the chair. Lightly stretchy material and adjustable Velcro closure allows for a nice fit for all standard dining chairs (not the very large), including those with open or closed backs. Packaged in sets of 2.